About Sandra Nand

A Life Coach, Soul Realignment Practitioner and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) Practitioner.

Sandra Nand

I underwent a profound transformation in my life through a series of deliberate steps and personal growth experiences.

My transformation was a holistic process that involved inner reflection, intentional growth, and a commitment to living authentically.

My journey inspires me to work with others seeking to rewrite their own life stories and embrace a purpose-driven life.


QHHT Sessions

What people say about their session with Sandra Nand ...

"I have gained a better understanding of my own thoughts and emotions and feel more empowered to manage them effectively. The experience has truly transformed my outlook on life and my own sense of self." Shabnam K - Sydney, Australia

"At the end of the QHHT session, I found the answers that I have been looking for in this time of reality, to live more efficiently, with less pain and suffering through knowing who you really are." Gumrang Y - Sydney, Australia

"I did not know the depth of my grief that I had held on to it for so many years. The experience was like no other." Robina B - Sydney, Australia

"Having my session has revealed and answered a lot of my life’s questions. I felt so much healing physically, emotionally, and spiritually." Carolyn B - Sydney, Australia

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