
Book a Soul and Property Realignment Session

with Sandra Nand

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Soul and Property Realignment Session?

This comprehensive offering combines the power of Soul Realignment with the energy clearing benefits of Property Realignment to elevate the individual's life on all levels.

Soul Realignment is a powerful healing and transformational modality that combines spirituality, intuitive insight, and energy healing techniques. At its core, Soul Realignment recognizes that our souls consist of intricate multidimensional aspects.

Soul Realignment Session is about discovering a person’s Divine Soul Blueprint, their Soul Profile, and then identifying the blocks and restrictions that can be cleared. It explores the Akashic Records, an energetic database that stores information about our past, present, and potential future lives.

Property Realignment is a specialized energy clearing session designed to harmonize the energetic vibrations within a property that an individual has financial responsibility for, including owning the said property or rented space. This process aims to address any energetic imbalances, negative influences, or residual energies that may be present within the property, affecting its overall energetic atmosphere.

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How does a Soul and Property Realignment Session work?

The certified Soul Realignment practitioner accesses the Akashic Records on behalf of the individual. The practitioner utilises the framework of the modality to retrieve relevant information about the individual’s soul, including past experiences, soul gifts, and karmic patterns.  The practitioner also identifies and clears energetic blocks and negative patterns that may be holding the individual back. These blocks can be karmic in nature, originating from past choices or unresolved issues, and often create repeated cycles of challenges and limitations in the individual's life.

The practitioner utilises the framework of the modality to also retrieve relevant information about the property.  The practitioner identifies and clears energetic blocks and negative patterns that inhabitants of the property would be experiencing. 

Setting Intentions: The individual seeking guidance needs to set clear intentions for what they hope to achieve from the sessions.

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Why have a Soul and Property Realignment Session?

Clear Blocks and Restrictions: Release energetic blocks and restrictions at both the soul and property levels to create space for abundance and prosperity to flow.

Align with Your True Purpose: Gain clarity on your soul's mission and purpose and create an environment that supports your personal and spiritual growth.

Enhanced Well-being: Experience greater peace, harmony, and vitality as you realign with the natural flow of energy in your soul and surroundings.

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Who can have a Soul and Property Realignment Session?

A Soul and Property Realignment Session can be beneficial for a wide range of individuals. Essentially, anyone who is open to the idea of soul-level understanding and is willing to make changes in their life.

Whether the individual is seeking to unlock their soul's potential, clear energetic blocks in their space, or create a life of abundance and fulfillment, this comprehensive offering provides them with the tools and guidance they need to thrive.

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