
Book a Property Realignment Reading

with Sandra Nand

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Property Realignment?

Property Realignment is a specialized energy clearing session designed to harmonize the energetic vibrations within a property that an individual has financial responsibility for, including owning the said property or rented space. This process aims to address any energetic imbalances, negative influences, or residual energies that may be present within the property, affecting its overall energetic atmosphere.

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How does Property Realignment work?

The certified Soul Realignment practitioner accesses the Akashic Records of the property on behalf of the individual who has a financial responsibility towards it as an owner or tenant. The practitioner utilises the framework of the modality to retrieve relevant information about the property.  The practitioner also identifies and clears energetic blocks and negative patterns that inhabitants of the property would be experiencing. 

There is no need to be physically present to clear a property.

Setting Intentions: The individual seeking guidance needs to set clear intentions for what they hope to achieve from the sessions.

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Why consider a Property Realignment?

Enhanced Energetic Atmosphere: Property Realignment can help create a more positive and uplifting energetic atmosphere within the property, promoting a sense of peace, tranquillity, and well-being for occupants.

Property Realignment offers individuals the opportunity to optimize the energetic resonance of their living or working environment, promoting holistic well-being, productivity, prosperity, and harmonious relationships.

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Who can request a Property Realignment?

The individual seeking a clearance of a property needs to energetically “own” it, meaning that their free will governs the property.

Energetic “ownership” of a property follows financial responsibility. If the individual is paying rent on an apartment, they energetically “own” that apartment. However, they do not energetically “own” any part of the building other than the apartment, so they cannot do clearing work on common areas.

Clearing of a public property cannot be done. Clearing of a place of work cannot be done, except, of course, the individual actually rents the workspace.

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